Pop Team Epic

Note: This Trollpasta is a continuation from
It's been a while since I have ever watched an anime again, probably because of something terrible that happend to me, which I won't explain in further details. And when I finally though that my psychological health was fully restored, oh boy how was I wrong
This time, I was at my city talking to some people when I saw someone sneakily stealing some discs someone was selling, and then I yelled at him "HEY! WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM, DUDE"?
The guy then started to run away, and I started to follow him, along the way with the people I was talking with. Who are they, you may ask? Well, it's nothing really important, so I guess it doesn't really matter talking about them here. Then, he got away.
But then I realized, he dropped a CD in its hurry, a blank one only labled "POP TEAM EPIC". The name caught my attention, and I returned it to the guy who was selling it, and I asked him if I could buy it, and what's it all about. He said it was about an anime and that's pretty much it. It costed me about 17 bucks to buy it, and I was going to se if it was really worth it.
If you don't know what Pop Team Epic is, it's basically what if Cyanide & Happiness was made by a japanese dude. That's the best I can explain it to you, because I simply couldn't understand shit when I was watching it. And it was so fucking hilarious I almost screamed at the top of my lungs in a scene where a poorly drawn Popuku starts to dance the "Heisei Haramasukoi" dance. But anyways, that's not my point here.
When I was watching the CD, I realized there was another option available to watch called "OVA", so it means that it was basically an exclusive episode from the CD, which I didn't trusted at first because the CD I bought didn't looked legit. I just bought it because I was curious.
And I was even more curious about to watch that "OVA" option as well. So I selected it, and I regreted it ever since. The episode started normal as always, with the intro and everything, but something I realized is: the more the episode continued, the worse the quality started to get, and the jokes started to get way more dark and cruder than the usual, with extremly sensitive topics, like child abuse, rape, suicide, xenophobia and so goes on. They always involved a person along with Popuku and Pipimi, and that person was kinda of a "test subject", where the girls would just "torture" him, like running him over by a car, neurotoxin, rotten food, it's like they were starting to care less and less about the episode at a point in it wasn't even funny to watch. Another thing that I realized is, the run time for the episode was really longer than the usual, knowing that I had no idea how long I was watching that episode.
It was when a scene of Pipimi ripping the poor man's head off played. It was so long and akward I started to get the feeling something good wasn't about to happen. And I was right.
Pipimi started to talk about something I couldn't really understand, because the OVA didn't had subtitles on it, but then, she screamed, in her awful engrish while looking at the screen with a death stare: "I'M TALKING TO YOU, NATHAN!"
I almost had a heart attack at this point. Nathan, btw is my name. And I know you will not belive she just said my name in that OVA, but you know, since you don't want to belive me.
I assume she was complaining about me, in japanese, since I couldn't understand 90% of what she said, but I reconized only 2 words, like "Baka" (stupid), and "Fuzakeru na" (Fuck off). And then, Popuku started to talk something while slowly walking into the camera, holding a baseball bat in both of her hands, making her say something like "Watashi wa anata no tame ni kite, warugaki" (I am coming for you, brat), ending the episode, smashing the screen into pieces. The CD then stopped played and when I came to check the problem, it left a big scratch on it, for some reason. It wasn't scary like the last time, but I'm certanly trying to wonder why it happend in the first place. First, the Killing Bites episode, and now this? What the fuck is actually going on? Am I haunted? What's all of that supossed to mean?
Guess in the end, we just need to wait to see what happens.
And yes, I tried to contact the guy who sold the CD for me and the people behind Pop Team Epic. I never got a response.